From John Burchfield c/o Jeffrey Tucker
Hallelujah mash-up
450 choirs from the UK registered to sing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus as part of a project called “Sing Hallelujah”, sponsored by the BBC and the English National Opera as a classical-music promotion. As part of the publicity, BBC’s Radio 3 created this mash-up of dozens of different choirs singing the piece: I love the […]
Amazing what a vocal ensemble can do nowadays, even if it's an ensemble of clones: h/t The Fredösphere
Making it Small
Last summer, I found myself dealing with the travel challenge of going half way around the world for a choral event, only to need to travel even further away for each succeeding event. It became apparent I would be traveling more if I came back home between destinations, than if I just kept traveling east. The solution resulted in my […]
Dirait-on performed on guitar
With special bonus: shadow art!
Teach Choir Conductors Like Physicians
I saw this article today on the Chronicle of Higher Education – and it makes a lot of sense: train future teachers like we train doctors. And by future teachers, I mean all future choral conductors. Read about it: Teacher-training programs need to be revamped to focus more on hands-on, clinical instruction, similar to […]