Ken Robinson gives us another insightful lecture. Watch the whole thing:
Clausen featured at 9/11 memorial
This from A Cappella News: A musical piece composed by a Concordia College professor will be on center stage in New York City for the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Rene Clausen will conduct “Memorial” on Sunday at Lincoln Center. He was commissioned to compose the piece based on the events of […]
Learning About Sound
Eric Whitacre is pointing me to all the great videos these days:
Celebrity Voices do Whitacre’s Sleep
Pretty creative. And I’ve heard of Britney Spears.
What Are You Good At?
In the late Peter Drucker’s book Management Challenges for the 21st Century, the management guru and former Marie Rankin Clarke Professor of Social Science and Management at Claremont Graduate University, stated, “Most people think they know what they are good at. They usually are wrong.” Drucker continues, “More often, people know what they are not […]
Choral Caffeine: You’re NOT Alone
She thought she was all alone . . . While talking with a newly-minted choral music teacher about the initial couple weeks in her first job, it soon became all-too apparent that she was the only music teacher in that school. Sadly, she was already feeling lonely. Rather than being surrounded by other choral […]