This video is created by a free do-it-yourself video creation system called xtranormal, which creates an animated video like this using stock characters, based just on a text script. I've seen much better-done ones than this example, with more interesting backgrounds, camera angles, and so on, but I'm blown away by the power of […]
Historical Ave Maria
Via Jeffrey Tucker, a press release from Eastman illuminating (heh) the history of the Ave Maria text, through musical sources: Michael Alan Anderson, Assistant Professor of Music at the Eastman School of Music (University of Rochester) has discovered that the second half of the prayer—the sinner’s direct plea to Mary—dates considerably earlier than commonly thought […]
There’s Singing Christmas Trees…
…and then there’s Singing Christmas Trees with 300 singers, who start rehearsing in September and sing 23 songs memorized. And it costs up to $60 per ticket to see them. Oh, and they record an annual CD.
Seattle Pro Musica gets themselves on TV
We’re all jealous, I’m sure.
If you hate Harry Potter, ignore this post
But if you like Tom Lehrer, here’s Daniel Radcliffe singing Tom Lehrer’s periodic table of the elements, set to the tune of “I am the very model of a modern major general”:
Jumpin’ Banana Alien Choir Intergalactic Music Portable Music System
The name says it all, don’t you think? But no, there’s more: Create your own Alien Choir using one of the 8 pre-recorded sounds or create your own sound and apply it to any of the 8 aliens. This special Finger Beat unit allows you to record and re-record your own sounds for hours of […]