I've never heard of World Voice Day before, an event created by voice doctors (initially in Brazil) to "raise awareness" of voice disorders. But in this morning's email I got a notice about a free voice screening for professional singers offered by a clinic in New York on this year's "World Voice Day". The […]
Amelia Nagoski describes the power dynamics in choir in terms of the conductor's demeanor: Calm, assertive energy. My husband has it in spades. He is the Choir Whisperer. He’s chill, but he’s authoritative. …His highly-skilled competence and thoughtful artistry are distilled through channels of calm assertion that make him powerful beyond the typical high school […]
Choral music for the MTV generation
Speaking of music videos, what do you think of this Victoria motet with visuals inspired by rock music videos? Sung by the group Q. Thank God for the public domain.
The next best thing to being there
Stephen Hough is cheered by BBC Radio 3's decision to broadcast hundreds of live concerts per year: Concerts have a sense of danger about them which a CD can never match. It’s not just a matter of “will she forget, or make a terrible mistake, or walk off the stage?”, but the more subtle and […]
Con: Arts funding
Liberal blogger Kevin Drum comes out against federal funding for the arts: Now, I, Kevin Drum, happen to like classical music but not jazz. I like film but don't really get much of a kick out of theater. I love novels but have never developed an appreciation of poetry. Etc. etc. If it turned out […]
This is Philip’s blog post
Here’s some text before the embed. Here’s some text after the embed.