Liz Garnett writes about membership “churn”: You are constantly having to cover the basic ground for new members, which leaves less time for building on them to develop advanced skills. And a piece you worked up to a good performance standard just a few months ago loses its polish much faster if 25% of the […]
Is singing inherently embarrassing?
So some brain researchers want to find out what part of the brain is involved in the emotion of embarrassment. Fine. They get a bunch of test subjects and put them under a brain scanner. But they had to reliably induce the embarrassment response in order to study it. How to do that? Of course, […]
Eric Whitacre’s latest Virtual Choir video
Is singing bad for you?
Chris Rowbury explains why. People don’t often talk about the downsides of singing. Yes, we bang on about the health benefits, social aspects, etc. but seldom mention the bad bits. For example? singing can become addictive — once you start singing, it’s very hard to stop. It’s such an enjoyable activity that you will start noticing […]
Jesu Joy of Wood’s Desiring
Some people have too much time on their hands. But they are selling something.
The War on Pronouns, cont’d
(one in an occasional series highlighting ridiculous inclusive-language overkill, without regard for the scansion, meaning, or music.) I’m preparing the Exultet for Easter Vigil, a long and inspiring chant which opens the vigil service, sung by candlelight. In English. After a congregational greeting the chant continues: It is indeed right, our duty and our joy, that with full devotion of heart and mind and […]