One of the challenges of choral performance is to make our concerts visually interesting without detracting from the music. Here is one example from a recent ACDA divisional conference that included dance as a part of the performance.
Stick Time: Singing Jazz After Graduation
Somewhere on this lovely June day, a recent graduate is asking herself what she is going to do to continue singing now that her days in the college cocoon are over. She is probably feeling a sense of loss. It’s one thing to sing every day in the controlled environment of an educational institution. […]
Stick Time: The Renaissance at ACDA
One of the on-going topics of discussion in the choral profession surrounds the matter of programming for performance at a divisional or national ACDA conference (scroll to page 8). The question boils down to this: do we program the great works of the standard canon, or do we seek out new music? (I know I’m […]
Stick Time: What Can Junior High School Singers Do?
What can junior high school singers do? Well, if this sample from a recent ACDA division conference is an indication, the answer is a resounding, ANYTHING! They are singing a work from the standard repertoire (clearly edited for these developing voices) and doing so with musicality, blend, balance, poise, and healthy use of the voice. […]
Sunday Inspiration: Palestrina Pope Marcellus Mass
Saturday Respite: Beep Beep!
Saturday morning? CARTOONS! For the next six minutes and sixteen seconds my only concern is do I want a chocolate doughnut or the powdered sugar one?