The 2011 ACDA National Conference included “Jazz Night.” This feature was so incredibly popular that it is being expanded; during the 2013 ACDA National Conference Jazz Night will be a two-night affair featuring vocal jazz ensembles from the high school, collegiate and professional realms. Here is a taste of one of the Jazz night […]
Stick Time: Listening for Influences
Anyone who survived music history and literature courses has had to identify works based solely on hearing a small snippet of the piece (back in the day it was called, somewhat nefariously, “Drop the Needle”). One is secure enough in one’s choral-geekyness to admit that one still plays that game in the car, going from […]
CJ Replay: Stravinsky’s Choral Style
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article, “Stylistic Consistency In Three Choral Works Of Stravinsky,” by Maureen Cash Moffet) Another consistency found in Stravinsky’s choral style is his use of melodies of small range. In Les Noces, this feature results from the nature of the cell. The melodic style of Oedipus Rex is generally of […]
CJ Replay: Bach’s Lutheran Masses
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article, “J.S. Bach’s “Lutheran” Masses: Aspects of Chronology and Structure“, by Chester L. Alwes) Bach’s “Lutheran Masses” are comprised of only the Kyrie and Gloria texts of the Mass, an occurrence so consistent throughout Protestant Germany that the majority of Masses composed there during the Baroque era were of […]
CJ Replay: Roman Choirs in the Late Sixteenth Century
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article, "Performance Practices of Sacred Polyphony in Rome and Madrid at the Times of Tomas Luis de Victoria," by Aimee Beckmann-Collier) The Roman choirs with which Victoria and Palestrina were associated were the centers of musical life in the late sixteenth century, and the singers attached to them enjoyed […]
CJ Replay: How to Make a Legal Copy
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article, “The Music Educator’s Guide to Copyright Law,” by Karen Faaborg Permissible Uses: (1) Music educators may make copies of entire works only in emergencies to replace purchased copies which for any reason are not available for an imminent performance provided purchased replacement copies shall ‘be substituted in due […]