(An excerpt from the panel session, “Paradigm Shift: The New Conductor/Composer Dynamic,” by Deborah Simpkin King. Presented during the 2013 ACDA National Conference.) PROJECT : ENCORE™ is an initiative formed for the purpose of promoting post-premiere performances of significant new choral music. It takes the form of a continually-expanding, robustly searchable database of premiered […]
Paradigm Shift: The New Conductor/Composer Dynamic (Part 2)
(An excerpt from the interest session, “Paradigm Shift: The New Conductor/Composer Dynamic,” by Reginald Unterseher. Presented during the 2013 ACDA National Conference.) My perspective on the evolving way that conductors find and purchase music is formed by my experience as a composer and as an R&S Chair. I am part of both the traditional […]
Conducting Women’s Choir: Strategies for Success
(An overview of the interest session, “Conducting Women’s Choir: Strategies for Success,” by Debra Spurgeon. Presented during the 2013 ACDA National Conference.) This session featured a panel of 12 conductors who had contributed chapters to the new book titled Conducting Women’s Choirs: Strategies for Success (GIA Publications). Each author spoke for about five […]
Composition Spotlight: You Having Walked This Earth
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (Each week we look at a piece of useful repertoire from the ChoralNet Community Composition Showcase. A variety of voicings and levels of difficulty will be presented. Enjoy!) You Having Walked This Earth https://choralnet.org/306016#youhavingwalked4557 by Joseph G. Stephens SATB some divisi and brief soprano solo a cappella (click for PDF and AUDIO) Level: High School or higher […]
Choral Caffeine: Post-Easter Renewal for the Church Musician
For a church musician, the Lenten/Easter season is incredibly demanding. In some churches, Holy Week can demand two dozen hours of musical service. Now with the season behind us, church choral directors are probably eager for a little perspective and perhaps a bit of a re-charge. In his article, “A Time for Sowing: Planting […]