VOCAL ADVANTAGE: BREATH (part 5), by Dina Else Before we move on to the topic of breath management and support I have a few last words of wisdom to share with you about breath intake. Before I share those words, I must again give credit where credit is due. I was very fortunate […]
“Vocal Advantage: Breath (part 4)” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: BREATH (part 4), by Dina Else We left off last week discussing noisy versus silent breath inhalation. Before we leave this topic I’d like to address one more way that noisy inhalation sneaks into the process. In my travels I have had the privilege of singing under, and observing many fine conductors. […]
“Vocal Advantage: Breath (part 3)” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: BREATH (part 3), by Dina Else Now that we’ve ensured the proper body alignment is well underway and have established the basics of breath intake, let’s journey a step further. As we wrap up our discussion of breath intake, I would like to point out that we don’t think about breath […]
“Vocal Advantage: Body Alignment (part 4)” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: BODY ALIGNMENT (part 4), by Dina Else Hopefully your school year is off to a fabulous start and the body alignment and breath intake information have been helpful reminders. Before we move on to breath management I wanted to touch base with body alignment now that we are firmly engulfed in rehearsals. […]
“Vocal Advantage: Breath (part 2)” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: BREATH (part 2), by Dina Else (During our last discussion, we shared an instructional yoga video that has a great image of the diaphragm in action that I show my students: www.3Dyoga.com I turn down the volume to avoid the yoga lesson but the visual is awesome!!. For those having difficulty opening […]
Composition Spotlight: Let the Rain Come Forth
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig Welcome back to the Composition Spotlight. Each week we look at a piece or two of the best choral works posted in the Composition Showcase here on ChoralNet. This is where we store a treasure trove of works written by ChoralNet composers. These are pieces your choirs will love to […]