Latest Community Posts
T. Frederick H. Candlyn works
Does anyone have any sort of a lead on some of T. Frederick H. Candlyn’s larger choral works? These include three cantatas and at least one mass. He lived and worked here in Albany for about 30 years but all we can find locally are some short motet-type pieces. I’m writing on the off-chance that […]
Performance Space in Chicago
We are looking for a new performance space in the Chicago area for our Summer concert. What are your favorite performace spaces in Lakeview, Lincoln Park, Lincoln Square and Wrigleyville areas? Stephen
Re: Program Cuts
We are having major cuts in Missouri also. So far there is no talk of cutting music in our district. I am also tenured and have 19 years experience. About 5 years ago I took our state test to get my certificate in 1-6 Elementary Education. So if music is ever cut, our district would […]
9th/10th Choir Discipline Issues
Dear All, I am having a very tough year with my Concert Choir, an ensemble of 9th and 10th grade students. We had 85 students select this ensemble, but unfortunately, the administration, instead of running two sections of the class, cut out 20 students and placed the remaining 65 in one period. I was […]
Program Cuts
Dear All, In New Jersey, the state is looking to cut back education funding up to 15%. In my district, a cut of this magnitude would mean roughly 8 million dollars out of our budget. One of the “Dooms Day” scenarios is to place MS and HS music programs after school as clubs only […]
Choral Workshops in America
Hi, My name is Julia and I am the director of music at St Paul’s Anglican Church, Manuka (Australia). I was wondering if anyone knows of any choral conducting workshops/courses in January 2011 in America? I am coming to America at the beginning of December and will be leaving American mid January. […]
Looking for performance space in Walnut Creek, CA area
Can anyone suggest a performance venue in the Walnut Creek area? It would be best if the venue were a church with a live to very live accoustic and sat at least 300-400 people. Other places we’ll be performing during this run include SF’s Grace Cathedral and Oakland’s Christ the Light Cathedral, so you see […]
Mezzo Soprano Solo Literature Suggestions
Would any of you be able to reccomend some solo literature for a student who has qualified for the state festival? She doesn’t currently have a private instructor so we’re looking for some help.
Looking for “In this heart”
Hello. Would anyone know where I could find a choral arrangement of Sinead O’connor’s “In this heart”? I’m looking primarily for an arrangement for women’s voices, but would be interested in finding any arrangment as well. Thank you, Nathan Swartzendruber
Repertoire suggestions for my vocal group ( 5 girls age 12-15 ) and childrens choir
Hi, I am looking for some help with some new repertoire for my vocal group. They have been singing a lot of unison, and some to part pieces. I was thinking about working on some 2 and 3 part rep. Maybe something that we could use show track cd etc with ( something “speedy, […]