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Great Acapella Songs for Contest
Hello Everyone, I am looking for some great song ideas. I am looking for SATB acapella music for our large group contest. I would prefer a spiritual/gospel idea, but I am open to some up beat Sacred and Secular as well. We are already going to perform Enatus Est Emmanuel and Hark I Hear […]
Need advice on the proper pronunciation of a word in a piece for a competition, thx! =)
Dear all, My Junior Choir is going to sing a song called “Lightning!” for their Music Festival competition next Monday and I was advised by my colleague who’s the head of the English Department to include pronouncing the “t” sound in the word “lightning”. Is it correct? As I’ve checked several online dicts with audio pronunciation and all of them […]
Top 10 Myths of Choral Singing
Good morning colleagues: As part of my recruiting drive for my church choirs, I'm compiling a "Top 10" list of things people say to rationalize not participating in choir. I made it as far as four and got stuck (you'd think coming up with 10 would be easy!). I think I'd like to open the topic […]
Help with Zulu
Could anyone put me in touch with someone who would be able to provide me with a transliteration and tranlation of a brief passage in Zulu from a piece I am arranging for my group?
What’s wrong with jazz, show tunes, pop, etc in choir?
I expect to get a lot of people disagreeing with me, but I still would like to start this discussion. Why do most choirs (at least where I live–maybe it’s different in other places?) not sing anything other than classical pieces? Why is it considered “bad” to learn popular music? My personal teaching philosophy […]
Bowings in Schubert Mass in E Flat
Dear Colleagues, In the Benedictus movement of Schubert’s Mass in E Flat, The Schuberts Werke edition has long slurs for the strings. I’ve done this work before, but I keep going back and forth on how to bow these passages. The long slurs only occur when the dynamic marking is piano or quieter, which means […]
Opera Literature for Advanced High School Choir
I teach a chamber choir of advanced high school students. Any suggestions for opera rep for this age group?
Elgar to be removed from £20 note
The Bank of England is withdrawing the older style £20 notes that show a portrait of Sir Edward Elgar. Holders of these notes may continue to use them until the end of June 2010.
Survey for college music departments
I am collecting data regarding the relationship between administrative support of college music programs and the size and vitality of the programs. By “support” I do not only mean financial support. If you have ever taught in a college/ university setting, please consider filling out this 10-question, mostly multiple choice survey. I greatly appreciate your […]
Abendlied/Abendständchen Translations
Hi All- Anyone have good translations of the following? Many thanks! Christopher Borges ABENDLIED Wenn ich auf dem Lager liege, in Nacht gehüllt, so schwebt vor ein süßes, anmutig liebes Bild, ein süßes, anmutig liebes Bild. Wenn mir der stille Schlummer geschlossen die Augen kaum, so schleicht das Bild sich […]