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Labels that stick to Gamble boxes?
I’m looking for labels that will stick to Gamble choral music storage boxes. Gamble lables stick well, but they aren’t designed for computer printers. I’ve tried several types of generic mailing labels, but they do not stick. Any suggestions (besides glue sticks and tape)?
Gilberto Mendes: Motet em re menor (Beba coca cola)
I am trying to find out who holds the US copyright to this piece. Does anyone have a contact with the composer or with a publisher representing the composer? Thanks, Clayton Parr DePaul University Chicago, IL
Re: Crud, I’m in the”B” choir now!
Peter, When I was in grad school, I was put in charge of the University Chorus, the non-audition group that was comprised of a variety of students, from those who couldn’t sing at all to those who could and wanted to sing but couldn’t fit any of the other ensembles into their schedule. It […]
How do you respond to this statement?
A few times I have had students hear a piece once or sightread it once and then say, ” I don’t like this piece!” or something similar in nature. How do you respond to this kind of statement?
Hello, Please complete the following survey for my research class this semester. Thanks. Marvetta,
Undergrad Choral Conducting programs – California & Overall
Hi, I have a student who is thinking that choral conducting may be her career path. She is a fine pianist and is taking voice lessons. She is in my advanced choir and is starting the college application process. I am not too familiar with California programs, which is her preference. Can you give […]
Re: Crud, I’m in the”B” choir now!
You have a wonderful opportunity to teach healthy singing and give the singers a great choral experience. Keep that as your focus, rather than putting on an impressive show. This will be difficult, given your “very fine private high school”, but for now you have the advantage of lower public expectations than the “A” choir. If […]
Randall Thompson’s Requiem
In high school I sang an excerpt (Good Tidings to the Meek) from Thompson’s Requiem – does anyone know where I can get a recording of the complete Requiem? I’ve only found small excerpts. Does anyone perform this work?
Crud, I’m in the”B” choir now!
I have been hired recently at a very fine private high school to direct their newly created 45 member “B” choir. I am loving the challenge and the kids, but I do find some inherent problems. I could use some advice. First hurdle is that there are very few strong singers (virtually none). The cream […]
Winter Solstice for women’s choir
Roger Dean has recently released my piece “Winter Solstice” for women’ choir (mostly SSA) and harp or piano (catalog #15/2715R). The piece is in two movements and lasts about nine minutes. The piece was commissioned and premiered by the Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble and sets gorgeous nature texts by two New Mexico poets.. The music […]