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Lithuanian Latin
We are about to record a setting of Lacrymosa by Lithuanian composer Mindaugas Urbaitis. How should we pronounce the Latin? Presumably it should be Germanic rather than Italianate? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
womens choir folk music with string quartet
hi all, just wondering if anybody has good suggestions for a 30 minute work for womens chorus and string quartet, preferably that can fit into a program with folk music (Tormis, Bartok . ) thanks! Hebe
Cantate Domino and Songs of Innocence by Earl George published by Summy-Birchard
I have a single copy of these old octavos, published in the 1950s by Summy-Birchard Publishing and would dearly love to give them a shot with my choir. I don’t know if Summy-Birchard still exists. I would imagine it has been swallowed up by Hal Leonard or some other major nameplate. Earl George’s writing […]
Scholarship policies for a youth/children’s choir
Good morning, Listers: Youth choir I conduct has recently expended quite significantly and so did the requests for scholarships. We need to put in place a firm policy for granting full/partial and tour scholarships for the next year and beyond, and I hope you could share your ideas or, better yet, any documents you […]
Excessively ill chorister
Good morning colleagues: Let’s see how many of you have dealt with this particular issue. I had a new member join my choir recently. She is bright, artistic, assertive and dedicated, everything you could ask for from an enthusiastic new singer. She is also stricken with too many illnesses to list here, many of […]
Premiere Perfomance at St. Thomas Leipzig
On Good Friday,after 62 years of life, I have finally been able to hear Bach’s St. Matthew Passion which turned out to be, perhaps, the best thing I have ever heard anywhere. I am still floating and glowing days later. To give it it’s due, the performance was presented be local professional and amateur forces […]
Audition for High School Choir – What to include?
I am a second year teacher who is part time middle school (a section of 7th & 8th Grade) and part time high school (9th grade choirs). I will be auditioning current eighth graders for a select ensemble for the high school during the 2010-2011 school year. My current list of what will be […]
concert tour and IRS
Can anyone advise me on the tax deductibility of travel expenses for members of a community chorus? Our group did a concert tour in Europe, which consisted of 10 days of travel, with a total of four concerts. The rest of the time was spent traveling, touring , etc. Pretty much the standard choral group […]
Vivaldi Gloria #5 SSA, Ratcliffe – A#?
Has anyone done the SSA arrangement of Vivaldi Gloria by Desmond Ratcliffe? In the fifth movement, Propter Magnam Gloriam, there is an A# in the S2 line in bars 8&9, which is usually an A natural. Has anyone found this strange? It’s the difference between a major chord in 1st inversion and a strange […]
Listservs for choral music ed?
Can anyone point me to any listservs that are specifically geared to K-12 choral music educators? I know about the Music Researchers’ Email Directory. I’m wondering, though, if there are places other than ChoralNet (wonderful as it is) specifically devoted to the study, teaching, and improvement of school-level choral methods.