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Holiday choral music for Middle School
This is my second year as chorus teacher at a middle school and I am searching for some good Chorus Holiday Programs. My upcoming 7th graders are becoming good readers. My new 6th graders have had no music previously. Any ideas are welcome. Also, what’s a great holiday closer piece?
Jester Hairston in action!
For those of you who have never seen Jester Hairston work with a choir on one of his spirituals, I have found a short clip you may be interedt in. He was certinaly an interesting character. I am planning a concert of African American spirituals and found this. Enjoy! Chris
Re: Seeking suggestions… “Home” theme….
Goin’ up a yonder Hawkins/ arrSirvatka ends with the words Goin’ Home Goin’ Home arr. Cameron Sullengerger he arranged this for the Region 25 Middle School All-Region Choir 2007. Not sure if it’s in print but I’m sure you can google him and email him about it.
Doug McEwen
Dear colleagues, Thank you for your immediate and positive responses to my request for information on Douglas McEwen. Obviously, he was revered in the profession and his reputation lives on. I realize now that I had misspelled his last name in my earlier post. (I was never fortunate enough to have met him […]
Know of any family choirs?
Hello, I am a family choir conductor from Seattle, and I am currently researching intergenerational choral singing as part of my Masters in Choral Conducting. I am looking for other well established intergenerational singing groups to study as part of my research. Has anyone heard of any groups in their area that i could […]
Information on Douglas McEwen
Dear colleagues, During the 2010-2011 school year the University of New Mexico will celebrate the centennial of its choral program. In the 1960s, one of my predecessors as Director of Choral Activities was Douglas McEwen. I have been having a difficult time finding biographical material on him and would appreciate any help you could give […]
Seeking suggestions… “Home” theme….
Hi – I’m preparing a program around a “Home” theme. I’m quite literal with it, all of the pieces having HOME in the title. I’m interested in perhaps some more variety though, especially in the realm of foreign language pieces (An die heimat) etc. Thanks for your ideas! TL
Advertising Collegiate Programs
We are in the process of revising/developing our marketing plan for the music department. Obviously, we all want the most bang for our buck. What has your department found to be beneficial means of advertising. Do adds in Choral Journal, MENC, etc. pay off. What about displays at conventions. Other online marketing/social networking ads. I […]
Mexican Composers
One of my spanish teachers wants to do a collaborative unit with my 7th or 8th grade treble or men’s choirs. She would like us to perform a piece by a Mexican born composer. Does anyone have any repertoire suggestions for a Mexican composer that has written music appropriate for middle school choirs? Many […]