Latest Blog Posts
We don’t know how to listen
ChoralNet member Dan Kreider talks here about “listening.” What’s the most powerful piece of music you’ve heard only once? I’ve begun devoting a significant portion of class time to listening. By now my students know the drill: no talking, no noise, focus on evaluating what you hear… and (often) close your eyes. Then I tell […]
What is common sense anyway?
To follow up on Philip’s post yesterday about common sense, I found myself kind of disappointed with the use of the term "common sense" in Liz’s post. She’s postulating a kind of left-brain/right-brain dichotomy and discussing how important left-brain considerations like rehearsal planning and musical analysis are, but that’s not quite the same thing as "common […]
Alamire Magic
From the 2009 ACDA National Conference:
Conducting and Common Sense
A great post from Liz at Helping you Harmonise: And common sense is what stops conductors getting too self-obsessed. Yes, conducting requires depth of knowledge, and insight, and interpersonal magic and a well-honed technique, yada yada yada. But none of that has any point unless the music sounds good. It doesn’t matter who you studied […]
Build A Blog
ACDA Tech Committee Member Julie Parsons recently delivered a technology presentation at the NW ACDA Conference. Great ideas, Julie! Here is a bit of it, uploaded for everyone on SlideShare: Build A Blog Online View more presentations from conductress.
Carey’s ACDA Review Continues
A guest blogger continues the ACDA Conference Review: In a nutshell, the performance content of ACDA’s North Central Division Convention in Minneapolis rivaled the programs of every National Convention I have attended in the last ten years. For this blogger, concerts had the strongest impact during the four-day celebration of the choral arts. There were simply […]
Salve Regina
I’m fairly sure I heard this group in Miami but I don’t remember it like I should – very beautiful:
Second performances
Maureen Dowdell of the Vocal Area Network promotes Project Encore, a project of Schola Cantorum on Hudson dedicated to promoting second performances of choral works which have already been premiered: Where gaining a second performance traditionally depended on a composer’s ability to “shop” a score, Project Encore offers a cost-effective, one-stop solution to increasing visibility […]
Reviews of ACDA Division Conferences
Paul Carey has performed quite a service for ACDA and has submitted reviews for several division conferences over the past few weeks. He even brought in a guest blogger to help when he wasn’t able to attend in person! Thirteen blog posts in all! Here is the collection: Central Division – Cincinnati: Thursday […]
Singing spirituals
Jonathan Miller posted two articles awhile back about spirituals . . . check them out here and here. Here is a little from part one: It seems to me that, for many of us, the spiritual has at its essence the quality of a gift. There is a sense that we have been given […]