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Saturday Respite: What Do YOU Make?
Wow . . . can I get an “Amen?”
Saturday Respite: Harmonica Man
“Music is a gift . . . you give it away. And if you give it away you get to keep it forever.” ~Andy Mackie
Commission a New Choral Work for $1 – $100 (or free)!
Commission a New Choral Work for $1 – $100 (or free)! If you missed the first announcement about this unique, first-time, low- or no-cost Commission Project that is taking place from July 15 until October 15, 2012: More than 30 talented, highly-motivated composers are participating in this special project, and for a limited time you […]
Reggae Barbershop
ChoralNet user Joshua Bronfman give us this:
One Hundred Ninety Four Days
Do you know what happens in 194 days? If you answered, “That’s the approximate gestation period for a baboon,” you would be correct. It also shows that you either have entirely too much free time on your hands or that you are reading the wrong web-site. The REAL answer is that in 194 […]
Stick Time: Monteverdi
A performance of “Si ch’io vorrei morire” (Monteverdi) by the Heritage High School Concert Choir (Joel Karn, conductor) during the 2012 ACDA Northwestern Division Conference in Seattle, Washington.
Stick Time: Yes Kids CAN!
A couple years ago I was pleased to make repeated treks to a local elementary school because the director of the school’s fifth-grade chorus asked for a little help in improving the esthetic quality of the group’s performance. Back on the college campus after one such jaunt, a member of the voice faculty sniffed derisively, […]