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Intonation I
Intonation is an incredibly important subject for all choral conductors, but one that isn't simple. In this next series, I'll write about different aspects of choral intonation. Not only what does it mean to sing "in tune," but how do you help your choir sing better in tune? When I say "isn't simple," I […]
Who is the Choral Art?
(Yes, we realize that the title is grammatically incorrect, it is however accurate.) Among the countless, amazing things about our art form is that it is simultaneously unifying and universal. Simply put: anyone, anywhere can participate in the entire spectrum of choral music. As you read this, a choir in Louisanna is studying […]
Saturday Respite: Six-Part Singing at a Baseball Game
Here is a six-part version of the National Anthem. (Tonight’s first pitch in OKC is at 7:05. I’ll be there, but I know the Anthem's performance will not be this cool!)
Choral Caffeine: Gender Words
While watching a classic old black & white move recently, one was struck by the incredible changes that have taken place in the role gender plays in society. In his article, “Church Musicians and Inclusive Language: A Beginning” (Central Division Resound Vol.34, No.1), Andy Call discusses how the use of words reflects such changes: […]
Artistic Arrows in a Choral Quiver
As educators, we are supposed to be singularly focused upon the well-being of our students. As choral conductors, we are called upon to care for them both within the context of the specifics of our subject matter (our art) and beyond the confines of the rehearsal/concert space. It is a special honor that many of […]
ChoralTech: On Soloists and Microphones
The SM-58. Do you have this mic? Is it the only one you have? ( We spend our hours crafting sound. We build and polish the blend of the ensemble to create a tone which fits the performance style we want, while balancing the strengths of our musicians, until we have the sound that […]
GUEST BLOG: “Can Inspiration be a Member Benefit?” by Sundra Flansburg
CAN INSPIRATION BE A MEMBER BENEFIT? by Sundra Flansburg When is the last time you were transported to another place by music? In Dallas at one of the conference performances? Last weekend in your place of worship? At one of your local concerts? Too long ago to remember? We have all had that […]