4/17/19 – Okay, that’s disappointing, Frank. But I have a heads up about next week. In an effort to improve performance and options, Scott is migrating ChoralNet to another platform beginning April 25 – hopefully all will be well and the site will be up again that very day, but we’re saying it might also […]
So I looked all over the WordPress moderation stuff we have access to, but I find no way to search users and mark someone as a spammer. Perhaps it’s a feature that you have in OKC, but we don’t have at our disposal as remote moderators. Unless I’m missing something obvious. Did anyone else figure […]
4/15/19 – 9:29p (EST) – per Sundra’s input, reclassified a couple of announcements (free music and Harold Rosenbloom’s services for a fee) as classified rather than announcements.
Ah, thanks for the tip, Sundra! No one ever told us we could do that, which is why we’ve always posted their names here.
4/9/19 – I’ve marked gordonfagma and merlincrype as spam. You all can do that too, right? Go to the moderators panel, search users, and mark as spam. Let me know if your moderator credential don’t allow you to do that and I’ll investigate.
04/07/2019 2 more spams from gordonfagma . Deleted.