7/31/19 – Can anyone do a substitute moderating shift on Wednesday, August 7? Both Roger and I are out that day.
Thank you all for your patience. This was phase 1 in an effort to improve the operations of ChoralNet. Please let us know if you experience any issues with the site. We will keep you updated on the future phases and growth plans. Enjoy your weekend!
04/24/2019 Hi Roger, I see your point but Tori regularly posts links to her blog in News and Notices. If you click on her link, it goes right to *Choral Connection* and her blog. I think its fine she does that and while I think we would get some comments if this was in Forums […]
I am thinking that “Proof in the Pudding” (now pending) would be better listed under FORUMS. What say you?? … and how do we do that?
4/21/19 – 12:53p(EST) – Hope everyone survived Holy Week for those of us who are church musicians! In a first, I am deleting to posts for “Services Rendered” for escorts by user priya007
Thanks for the update, Sundra! Good luck to Scott and the migration!