St. Theresa Roman Catholic Church in Trumbull, CT, has an established traditional church music program. The choir is composed of 35-40 singers, including four paid section leaders (SATB). The choir sings high quality literature ranging from Gregorian chant and polyphony through 21st century repertoire. Section leaders are expected to work well with volunteers, be able […]
Staff Singers, Alto and Tenor
Alto Section Leader/Soloist
Central Presbyterian Church, Denver seeks an alto section leader to begin immediately. Pay is $60 per call, two calls per week, with additional payment for major holidays and major works with heavy solos. Full job description at Please send your resume to Wil Smith, Director of Music, at .
Bass Section Leader
Tenor Section Leader Position
Responsibilities include Thursday night rehearsals and Sunday morning services commencing the Thursday after Labor Day (September) through the entire month of July. 1. Be present and on time at all rehearsals as called by the Director of Music, Organist and/or designated person in charge. a. Thursday evenings: First Thursday after Labor Day in September through […]
Cathedral Choir Section Leaders
The Cathedral Choir at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Colorado Springs, CO, has openings for an Alto Section Leader, Tenor Section Leader, and Bass Section Leader. The Cathedral Choir sings for the 9:00 a.m. Solemn Mass on Sundays, with warm-up at 8:15 a.m. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Repertoire ranges from […]