It’s the annual cleaning of our choral library at Northwestern. 80 copies of the piano/vocal score for Sergei Rachmaninoff’s “The Bells” Op. 35 are available for no cost other than shipping if unable to pick up in person. They were used once in our performance of the work earlier in Spring 2018. For more information, […]
Voci Women’s Vocal Ensemble
Come sing with Voci! Voci Women’s Vocal Ensemble – the Bay Area’s premier women’s vocal ensemble – announces openings for experienced women singers for its 2018-19 season. Auditions will be held through August 15, or until all positions are filled. Rehearsals start September 5. Voci is an intimate, high-level treble ensemble of 24-30 singers that […]
Recommendations For Chicago Choral Venues?
I would love some suggestions for a venue (preferably a church) for Oasis Chorale for our summer tour in July, 2019. Pretty much anywhere in the metro area would be fine, but on the south or east side would be preferred. Please contact me directly at (608) 855-0530 or if you have any […]
Free cassocks and surplices (adult)
We have 47 Almy black, single-breasted cassocks and 36 white surplices to give away (or take a donation for!). All in good used condition. Laundered after last use a few weeks ago. We have replaced them with a new set of custom made cassocks. There are a few matching non Almy cassocks in the mix. […]
Library Clearance
The Vancouver Bach Choir is in the process of updating our library and have several items we would like to find a new home for. Ideally, you would be interested in taking all copies for the cost of shipping and a modest donation to the choir. However, if you are interested in only one score, […]
Soprano and Bass staff singer vacancy
St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Dallas, TX has a vacancy for a soprano and bass staff singer. St. Michael is one of the largest Episcopal churches in the country with a keen interest in building back its music program. Serving as a staff singer entails singing in two ensembles: as one of […]