“There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” Madeleine Albright For those of you too busy with concerts and the end of the semester to keep up with current events, here’s another story in the news about inappropriate conduct in the Classical Music World. It concerns one of our […]
The Choral Life
Choral Ethics: A Silent Wood
A Collage “Sunflowers for Ukraine,” By Russell Amenta, artist with autism I am taking a bit of a Choral Ethics break for the next few weeks and this is a Choral Ethics Blog repeat. In observance of Autism Acceptance Month, I am repeating during the next two weeks two requested blogs on music and disability. […]
The Conductor as Yogi: Ordinary (Extraordinary) Wisdom
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” Henry David Thoreau I don’t know how often we think of ourselves as “wise.” That word seems reserved for the sages, the super seniors with long beards or gentle voices and twinkling eyes, sharing mic-drop pearls that stop us in our tracks. Yet, […]
Choral Ethics: Choral Culture
“People don’t mind being mean; but they never want to be ridiculous.” Moliere Another week, another group of emails. The emails I usually receive are about similar dilemmas and sometimes I wonder if it’s the phase of the moon or something. Perhaps it’s just that certain times of the choral year present similar problems for […]