It has been a delight to work through the concept of "Innovation" at the GALA Leadership Symposium this weekend in Denver, Colorado. GALA is meeting in Denver as they prepare for a national festival there next year. These are some thoughts I shared at the GALA Symposium: Referencing my definition of innovation last week […]
New and Returning Bloggers for Fall 2015
I'm so pleased to announce the people submitting blog posts for ChoralNet this fall! Tim Sharp is back on the blogging roster with a first post yesterday. I'm thrilled to see what Tim will be sharing. As the Executive Director for ACDA, he has incredible insights into the world of choral music and […]
Choral Potpourri: As Summer Winds Blow
"No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face." John Donne I mentioned in my first blog post two weeks ago I have spent most of my summer vacation straightening up. My choir music is now so organized; I can put my hands on anything my […]
Tim Sharp: The Priority of Innovation
Blogging returns this week on ChoralNet. First up is Timothy Sharp, the Executive Director of the American Choral Directors Association. This week I return to blogging regularly on ChoralNet, and will be working through my thoughts related to innovation, particularly as the topic relates to our choral mission with the American Choral Directors […]
Showcase Dare August 2015 Winners Announced
Announcing the winners of the Showcase Dare August 2015. I would like to thank all composers who participated and the conductors and composers who helped vote for the pieces started for the dare. All pieces are available to view here: Overall winners received a score of at least 4.0 in Spark and had […]
Choral Potpourri: Not Going Down With the Ship
“Don’t be the dance band on the Titanic.” Harry Chapin At the beginning of the summer, I attended the national conference of Americans for the Arts, an arts advocacy organization based in Washington D.C. I was sent by a new local arts organization I work with, a consortium of arts organizations and businesses […]