Innovation involves a systematic process of work, as well as one ingredient I call the secret sauce of the innovation process. As is true of any process of the mind, this magic ingredient involves a thought process, a mindset, and I have found this particular key mindset to be at the root of any breakthrough […]
Steps in the Process of an Innovation Methodology
There are two major components to any innovative act. The first is the methodology that takes place as one works up to the innovation. The second component is that breakthrough idea, application, structure, or other “secret sauce” that is applied to the methodology that leads to the emergent breakthrough. For IDEO, the widely admired […]
Profiling the Innovation Process
As I think through the process of innovation and about innovators and innovation models, it occurred to me that it might be possible to profile well-known innovators in order to learn the secrets of their success. This thought led me to the book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey. In Death in […]
Innovation vs. Creativity
Most dictionary definitions for the word “innovate” stop short of what I believe to be a true and complete definition. If you look up “innovate” or “innovation”, you will see a definition that suggests that to innovate is to come up with a new idea. To my mind, this way of looking at innovation […]
Innovation: More Than Thinking Outside the Music Box
In the environment of creativity and innovation, we often hear the expression to “think outside the box”, or for those of us in the music profession, the expression might be tailored to “think outside the music box.” As I explore innovation, I find that rather than thinking outside of any mental box, I find myself […]
A Mindset of Innovation
In previous blogs here on ChoralNet I have addressed the "why" of innovation in general, but for this blog I would like to address the “why” of innovation in terms of my own personal motivation. If I had to reduce the description of my choral conducting work to a single line, it would be […]