An inspiring story of singer Charity Tilleman-Dick, American soprano and recipient of a double-lung transplant.
Word cloud
Just a toy, really, but here’s a word cloud of recent forum posts on ChoralNet: Larger words are used more often. By comparison, here’s the cloud for ChoralBlog: These images were created by Wordle.
Pay Us and We Might Give You a Prize
I'm slightly aware of this rather common practice: 1. sponsoring a composition competition 2. requiring fee from the composer 3. cash from the composers is given to the competition winner as the "prize" – or it helps fund their organization I'm not a composer, so I don't see this sort of thing much, […]
Four Different Concerts in Three Days – Conspirare and CHJ
Not my idea of fun, but the ideas are refreshing: Conspirare is about to begin its new year with some very old music, and with a challenge: to deliver four unique concerts in three days. Its “Renaissance and Response” festival, held Friday through Sunday , will celebrate complex and beautiful music that’s rarely heard or […]
Something Different
Twitter exposes me to a wide variety of choral expressions – this one from a twitter user I do not know that pointed me here. Check out this Haitian choral music – also linked here for my Austrailian friends:
“It’s something that makes you sit up.”
I found this great story about singing and science at the Episcopal Cafe – how “science can now tell what it is about the voices of young choiristers that gives us goosebumps. It can tell us how they produce the sound, and how it could be artificially recreated.”: More from the website: “The hypothesis […]