A great idea from a former classmate and friend – writing and performing your own choral composition on YouTube:
Paul Carey Interviews Tim Sharp
Don’t miss this great interview of ACDA Executive Director Tim Sharp from composer Paul Carey, available here: Part 1. Part 2. Here is one question and answer – I encourage you to read the entire interview: PC: You’ve done such amazing work at ACDA in such a short amount of time. How […]
Marking Scores
Jeffery Carter has just published his personal Score Marking Guide on his blog. I want to commend him for doing this for a couple of reasons: 1. He is publicly sharing his work with the world – more of us need to do this – share our work with others. 2. He […]
“I Think I’m Gonna Throw Up” and other Praise Hymns
This Blog Will Change the World brings us this: And then gives us some deeper thinking: Most reasonable people will grant that “I Think I’m Gonna Throw Up” is unsuitable for any liturgical service; it’s essentially a novelty song, one which will make an occasional appearance at summer camps until the camp counsellors […]
Tenebrae for YouTube
Quite impressive video and singing: Check out their website and electronic media kit. A great model for today’s choir!
Conducting lesson
They’re working on conducting Wagner’s Ring, but I think the lesson would apply equally to choral music: h/t Podium Speak