Building on Monday's blog post about dying industries and choral music, here is the Wall Street Journal chart that highlights the Top Ten Thriving industries. It looks to me like the move to e-publishing and e-commerce is taking over – when will the music publishing industry move from the paper-postage model and into a […]
Dying Industries and Choral Music
I saw this on the Wall Street Journal business page last Saturday – the Top Ten dying industries. It looks to me like this might have some impact on choral music – but what do I know? I have three degrees in music, not business. Still, it seems to me that we will be […]
Dan Kreider argues against part-singing of hymns during church: The beauty of harmony isn’t wrong, and it doesn’t necessarily draw the mind away from the text… but it certainly can. If we are to be singing truth to God, to one another, and to ourselves, we have to consider anything that might distract us. Unison singing […]
Five minute experiment
Liz Garrett proposes an experiment: practice your music for 5 minutes every day for the month of June. That still leaves open the question about how much difference 5 minutes will make, of course. From one perspective, you’d expect it to be largely ineffective, as it is an absurdly short time. You’re hardly even starting […]
Choral music in Antioch
Journalist Kristine Aghalaryan discovers a choir in Turkey: The next stop on my journey through Turkey took me to the ancient city of Antioch (Turkish Antakya), founded near the end of the 4 century BC by a general of Alexander the Great. Antakya was annexed by Turkey in 1939. There’s a multi-national choir in this […]
ECS Publishing Goes Digital
ECS is announcing plans to add digital publishing to their lineup. Here is the advertisement – I hope to post an interview with their president soon: