Important administrative audits inside institutional life are always in danger of becoming the victim of benign neglect, and discussions about what some would call “administrivia” can become the object of clichés or relegated to the cynical domain of “buzzwords.” In my academic life, corporate-speak that spilled over into academic-speak, often attempted innovation, but also created […]
Looking forward to hearing Beethoven’s 10th symphony
The Chronicle of Higher Education reports on a challenge to the 1994 Mickey Mouse protection act which extended copyright terms and retroactively re-copyrighted some works which had passed into public domain: The dispute that led to Golan v. Holder dates to 1994, when Congress passed a law that moved vast amounts of material from the public domain […]
Memorial Day — Dona nobis pacem
For Memorial Day, an excerpt of Vaughan Williams' setting of Wildred Owen Walt Whitman's poetry, sung by the Atlanta Symphony chorus, conducted by Robert Shaw:
Arabic choral sighting?
Periodically we get requests on ChoralNet’s forums by well-meaning directors who want to be inclusive of a variety of traditions and include some Arabic music in their programs. The usual answer is that there really isn’t any choral music in Arabic. There has never been any significant tradition of choral music in Arabic-speaking countries, and […]
Awkward Moments
It isn't often that the president's actions intersect with music, but we have one today – this from ABC News: The president and the orchestra at Buckingham Palace this evening were a bit out of synch. When the president toasted the Queen the orchestra misunderstood a pause and what seemed to be a cue […]
Reply to Open Letter to Secretary of Education Duncan
Last Tuesday I posted an open letter to Education Secretary Arne Duncan from a number of arts organization. The following is the reply on behalf of Secretary Duncan received this week: I’ve been asked to reply to your letter of May 10 to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. As you may know, in my […]