Combined choirs of Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, West Point, and Coast Guard Academy. What happened to the Marines?
Video: how to Mike a Choir
This is part 2 of a six-part video series about choir miking, created by Audix Microphones. You can see the whole series here. I put in part 2 because part 1 is about "how to choose a microphone" and, coming from a microphone manufacturer, it might not be totally objective; but still might be […]
“Music kept me alive.”
Lara Patriquin (daughter of Donald) sent me this video – it is a testament to the power of a choir to bring people together for a common purpose:
Choral Caffeine: Making a Munchable Menu of Music
Don’t we all LOVE to eat? Oh, the myriad tastes, textures, sensations! And, of course, most of us have those gastronomic guilty pleasures that we’re perhaps just a little too embarrassed to share. But rather than gorging on cheeseburgers every night, the sensible person develops a dietary habit that achieves some sense of balance. […]
Choral Caffeine: Formations, Part 2
As the summer strolls casually along, perhaps you have considered the value of placing singers into a mixed formation, as we discussed last week thanks to Danny Detrick ‘s article “Mix It Up – You Won’t Believe What Will Happen” (Texas Sings!, Vol. 24, No.2). I can hear someone . . . “Whimper! I […]
Choral Caffeine: Formations, Part 1
Why do I own bunch of Hawaiian prints? Isn’t one loud, obnoxious frat-boy shirt enough? Why do some ladies own dozens of pairs of shoes? One or two orthopedic torture devices ought to do, right? Why do others among us rearrange the furniture, re-do the landscaping, change hairstyles, upgrade their desktops? Simple . . […]