Combined choirs of Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, West Point, and Coast Guard Academy. What happened to the Marines?
Reader Interactions
David Toppingsays
Ron – I’m not sure what’s wrong with your computer, but both the embedded version and the YouTube version worked just fine for me (I’m assuming that Allen hasn’t changed the link since posting it).
The Marine Corps does NOT have a separate service academy; Marines are commissioned from the Naval Academy. That’s what happened to the Marines. These are the choirs of the service academies – make sense?
Ron Duquette
US Army, retired
P.S. Allen – this was a waste of time – the link never connected, neither here, nor following the link provided to youtube. Once again, technology trumps all!
The United States Marine Corps is considered in many circles as the land-fighting arm of the United States Navy and therefore many aspiring Marine Officers attend the Naval Academy. At a designated time during their education, students get the option of becoming an officer in the the USMC or USN. Be assured that there are Leathernecks singing in the Naval Academy chorus.
As another point of possible interest, the Marine Corps Band stationed at Marine Corps Barracks at 8th and I Avenues, Washington DC, is called “The President’s Own.” It is the ONLY military ensemble which holds such an honor and distinction. John Phillip Sousa composed specifically for and conducted this ensemble. One of the most impressive and unique events to attend in our nation’s capitol is an evening performance of the USMC Band and Silent Drill Team. It’s simply “THE BEST!”
David Topping says
Ronald Richard Duquette says
Brian Burns says
Lois Reese says
Eric Anthony says