School is starting? Time to plan your next retreat! ACDA has got something new for directors of youth and children's choirs – they are calling it “Peak Your Vision,” and it will take place January 14 & 15, 2012 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown. “We are eager to welcome conductors and teachers from throughout North […]
9th World Choral Music Symposium
Returning from the World Choral Music Symposium in Porto Madryn, Argentina, here is a taste of the opening night's concert. There were many fine workshops, conversation with world colleagues, and special encounters, but it is the choral music, once again, that moves us to travel half-way around the world. And in Argentina, there is also […]
The only thing I’m looking forward to is choir . . .
School is starting again. (surprise) I know many of you are in class already – I start later this month. I saw this remark on twitter today: “I got my school schedule today. The only thing I’m looking forward to is choir.” Believable, isn’t it? This particular student needs to work […]
Choral Caffeine: Every Choir is Full of Kids
At one of the colleges where I taught, the full faculty gathered once a month for a (usually incredibly long) meeting. Of the many things I took away from those sessions was one item that has left an indelible mark: once away from critical gaze of their students and left to their own devices a […]
Choral Caffeine: It’s All About People
Isn’t it delightful when former students “check in” to let you know how they are doing? I simply adore those calls! Recently a colleague-who-used-to-be-a-student (there has to be less cumbersome descriptor) contacted me to share that she had taken a new job as an assistant principal. Bless her heart, she was concerned that I […]
Choral Caffeine: Terrific Teacher Tech Tools
Communicating non-musical information to choir members can be . . . well . . . let’s be nice and just say it’s a challenge. Of course, the responsibility for following instructions and maintaining schedules rests squarely on the shoulders of the individual choir members. But ultimately, it is the director who has to deal […]