I saw this tweet other day from @katiesw1 where she discussed her choices for the top iPad apps for music teachers. Her list included: Garage Band ForScore SymphonyPro MadPad EverydayLooper DropBox Evernote To me, her list reminds me of the days of technology in music education when most of the discussion surrounded keyboards, […]
ChorusAmerica wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving
I didn’t know ChorusAmerica had a YouTube site, but they do . . . and here they are wishing the world a Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks, ChorusAmerica!
Favorite Thanksgiving Video
This is my favorite Thanksgiving video associated with choral music. Wait – strike that – this is my favorite choral music video of all time. Does anyone know of a better three minutes on YouTube? If I am remembering the original broadcast correctly, this hymn came at the very end of […]
Should Small Churches do Messiah?
Talented student Josh Bullock recently passed this on to me: It is a joke . . . not a judgement! Alternate title: Did Jesus wear underwear?
Stick Time: Flavor of the 70s
Periods have their own flavor, don’t they? A work of the Baroque “feels” different than one from the Rennaisance. Given the explosion of compositional techniques over the past 150 years, even smaller increments of time seem to have become little “mini-periods.” Here is an example of composition from the mid-1970s.
Choral Caffeine: Audition Success
“Those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” It’s broken my heart to observe that axiom play out in far too many vocal auditions. How many talented, well-intentioned high school singers have missed an opportunity to display their skills in the best possible light simply because no one told them what to expect and […]