Today let’s look at a preparatory gesture and and an ictus. In this short example, there is absolutely no doubt HOW colleague wants the entrance to occur; nor can there be the slightest ambiguity about WHERE the attack is supposed to occur. Appropriately, the sound of the choir is every bit as assertive and muscular […]
Sunday Inspiration: Libera
Saturday Respite: Audience Building?
In baseball, it’s, “Build it and they will come.” Maybe in the performing arts we should say, “Play it and they will listen.”
Stick Time: A Conductor’s Nightmare
I suspect every profession has it's own particular set of nightmares, and certainly the choral profession is no different. Imagine how this colleague must have felt as the risers collapsed and her entire ensemble hit the ground. What would you do at that moment? How would you react? Have you pondered what you as a […]
For Unto Us A Child Is Born
More creativity from Carosaxone on Christmas Day: A few days ago I found this wonderful poetic commentary on the Messiah by Mark Doty from Bob Eaton's ACDA Eastern Facebook page. A few words from it: "This music demonstrates what it claims: Glory shall be revealed. If art's acceptable evidence, mustn't what lies […]
Choir Risers Collapse
ChoralNet user Johua Bronfman notified me of this – so scary: Full story here. I’m glad no one was hurt seriously.