Joshua Bronfman pointed me to this site that featured “Aria” by John Cage:
American Women Feature Vocal Fry Frequently
Remember this from Vocal Pedagogy class? From ScienceMag.Org: A curious vocal pattern has crept into the speech of young adult women who speak American English: low, creaky vibrations, also called vocal fry. Pop singers, such as Britney Spears, slip vocal fry into their music as a way to reach low notes and add style. […]
Rehearsal from hell
Part of a (possibly fictional) rehearsal attended by a gig musician preparing a one-shot gig with Smokey Robinson (the “he” referenced in the first paragraph is Smokey’s music director): He walked into the room with his ego draped around him like a large winter coat. He was truly impressed with himself, and he had […]
Saturday Respite: Mozart Bossa Nova
Whew, Saturday. Time for a break . . .
Sunday Inspiration: King’s College, Cambridge
End of Semester Reflection
Here are a few brief questions to ask yourself in the quiet of your own thoughts as this semester draws to a close . . . <> Did the repertoire meet the needs of the choir? <> Is the choir better today than it was on September 1? <> Are the individual choir members […]