Sandra Snow shares her thoughts of the choral rehearsal as an environment for creation.
Stick Time: Creation in a Choral Rehearsal
Stick Time: Conducting Study 7
It seems criminally obvious to say that how we end a piece is at least as important as how we begin one. Today let’s watch a colleague bring a choral work to a close. First, note that his left hand cues the sopranos in a manner that guides them to a “floating” sound on […]
Stick Time: Conducting Study 6
In the theatre, it’s known that the best actors don’t really act. Rather, they inhabit a role so completely that it becomes a part of them. I believe that something like that occurs in conducting, where one has rehearsed an ensemble to such a fine edge that the singers no longer need us to conduct […]
Saturday Respite: Mickey Conducting
CJ Replay: Laziness in Big Choirs
(From the Choral Journal article “The Large Ensemble and Social Loafing,” by David Socker) It has been one of the prima facia assumptions of choral conductors that one of the benefits accruing to our ensembles is the greater aesthetic experience which results from singers working in a group, A part of this […]