“Hey Susan, your work in choir this year was outstanding – thank you for a great year” In disbelief of what I just wrote in Susan’s yearbook, I looked up and said, “You did such a great job this year in and really grew as a musician, congratulations! You know, considering everything we went through, […]
Modulating/Adjusting to a New Era: Choir, Conducting, Conferences
Welcome to this summer series on questions and possibilities for a new era in our personal lives, professional lives, the choral landscape, and in society! I’m so glad you’re here for the journey. From June 20 – 25, I attended the Choral Conducting Symposium at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, led by Dr. Andrew […]
Stories of Newness: Healing and Reimagining with Remel Derrick
Like many music educators, Remel Derrick (high school choir teacher at Abilene High School and choral composer– find his music here) found out about his school closing the week of spring break in March 2020. They were given a week to adjust and then made the switch to virtual. During remote teaching, his students recorded […]
Modulating/Adjusting to a New Era: Coordinating the Online Portion of a Church Music Workshop
Welcome to this summer series on questions and possibilities for a new era in our personal lives, professional lives, the choral landscape, and in society! I’m so glad you’re here for the journey. The pandemic has thrown a wrench in a wide variety of organizations, including summer conferences. Out of caution, some organizations have decided […]
One from the Folder: Repertoire Thoughts for Women’s/Treble Choir
So…You Want To Write A ChoralNet Blog?
Do you have a choral-related topic that you are passionate about? Is there something in your rehearsal or classroom process that you are really really good at, that you want to share with other choral colleagues? Is there some part of the choral world that really speaks to you – and you want to share that excitement with others? Then perhaps consider writing a blog for ChoralNet!
Modulating/Adjusting to a New Era: Transitions in Music, Part 2 of 2
The last time we left off, the Philadelphia-based PhilHarmonia Chamber Choir planned to premiere a brand-new, historically significant piece called Remember the Ladies by composer Dr. Melissa Dunphy in November 2020. This commission was in collaboration with the Museum of the American Revolution and all were excited. Unfortunately, just as plans were underway, COVID struck. […]