COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (Each week we look at one or two of the best choral works posted in the Composition Showcase here on ChoralNet. This is where we store a treasure trove of works that your choirs will love to sing and your audiences will love to hear.) Miserere mei Deus by Joy […]
Monday Motivation: Lemonade of Life
Monday Motivation: FAIL!
Composition Spotlight: Miserere mei Deus
Conference Morsel: Church Choir Reimagined
(An excerpt from the interest session “Church Choir Reimagined: Priestly, Prophetic, Pastoral, and Participative,” presented by Kai Ton Chau during the 2014 ACDA Central Division Conference) . . . We have just examined the tension between “performance” and “ministry” for the role of a church choir in a Christian worship setting. Then we […]
Conference Morsel: Music of the Muslim World
(An excerpt from the interest session “Salamu Aleikum: Music of the Muslim World,” presented by André de Quadros during the 2014 Western Division Conference) Music of the Muslim world and its choral music are little understood or known. This is because of three elements that are misunderstood and contested: Muslim music, Muslim world, […]