For many of us, Google Classroom has become our permanent classroom. Over the past few months, I’ve seen more and more ways to utilize google’s platform. As a result, I’ve decided to share 7 Simple Choir Hacks for Google Classroom that will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your choral program, not just during the pandemic, but […]
Choral Clarity
9 Tricks and Treats for a Hybrid Halloween Choir Rehearsal!
A Choir Halloween Rehearsal can be festive and productive even when fully remote, hybrid, or live and masked. In fact, I believe our students need Choir Halloween more than ever. It’s something to look forward to and can be one of the most memorable rehearsals of the year. If well-planned, this special rehearsal can be productive, creative, and serve as a way […]
3 Reasons I’ve Ditched Smart Music for Sight Reading Factory
After 10 years of using Smart Music for weekly sight-singing homework assignments, I have officially moved on. I have slowly transitioned fully into Sight Reading Factory over the past 5 years but UNEXPECTEDLY decided to fully abandoned the Smart Music ship in late September. This was not planned, but it became a necessity. And once I did, […]
VIRTUAL CHOIRS: The Two Reasons many of us HATE them!
Do you HATE virtual choirs? Most of us had absolutely no opinion on “the value of VIRTUAL CHOIRS” until two weeks ago. Since then, we have all become experts, or at least, experts of our own opinion. I believe this blog post will be useful to Virtual Choir HATERS and Virtual Choir lovers. Here is my latest […]
Choosing the RIGHT Distance Learning Option!
This is a time like no other. Most of our schools are closed indefinitely as we are grieving the loss of our choral year. Now we are left finding a brand new way to do our job while living our personal life in crisis/survival mode. How do we navigate this ever-changing world, living with instability […]
School Closed? FREE Sight Reading Factory! DISTANCE LEARNING IDEAS!
Sight Reading Factory is a fantastic resource to use at home, especially for online/distance learning. When distance learning becomes necessary, Sight Reading Factory can be super effective. What could be even better than using Sight Reading Factory? A FREE SIGHT READING FACTORY SUBSCRIPTION! In this blog, I will explain 2 simple, yet effective ways to […]