This week on GBW and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet you will be transported to Sioux Falls SD to hear the 45th Annual South Dakota High School Honor Choir and Reunion Choir. Alan Stanga Executive Director told me that the Honors Choir ideas came from him and a colleague at the time, Perry Jones, who wanted to give All […]
A Mendelssohn Recital
This week on GBW and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet host Stan Schmidt helps you experience a Mendelssohn Recital which includes a Prayer for Peace; five anthems for the seasons of the church year; Six Lieder from Op41 from a CD reviewed in the August edition of the Choral Journal; A Lenten exposure of a Suplication motet; Two […]
Dvořák and Other Friends
This week Going Beyond Words and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet host Stan Schmidt encourages you to visit the music of Antonin Dvořák, György Legiti, Owain Park, and three folk songs, one each from Bulgaria, Ukraine, and America. You will recall Legiti’s “Morning” with the vocal cries of the rooster and turn right around with the beautiful American […]
An Early Fall Collage
This week GBW and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet you will hear a Mass for unaccompanied double choir that the composer kept in a drawer for five decades….and three of the best female vocalists in the world….plus two inspiring male ensembles from Canada and Germany. The internationally famous male ensemble from Germany will favor your ears with two […]
The Brothers Haydn and Others
This week GBW and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet travels to Austria and Norway to hear music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Michael Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn and Norway contributes a selection from Alfred Janson. Host Stan Schmidt give this listen a title of The Brothers Haydn and Others. The main feature is the Missa Sancti Nicolai in G […]
Leonard Bernstein
This week on GBW and ACDA Radio/ChoralNet, Host Stan Schmidt invites you to enjoy music by one of America’s most treasured musicians and composers…..Plus you will be treated to stunning music by Randall Thompson, Paweł Łukaszewski, Samuel Barber and a Gaelic Hymn. This visit is called Leonard Bernstein and Friends. Choral groups ready to serve […]