Have you wondered about having a website for your group? Not sure where to begin? Decided "it ain't for me?" Today is the first of a series from guest ChoralTech blogger Seth Garrepy on how to build your own choral website. “Your choir needs a website.” Does this statement immediately cause gnawing anxiety […]
Reflections from the world of Educational Technology
(theproducersperspective.com) I write this week from the Florida Educational Technology Conference. As a conductor first, and an educational technologist second, I am always fascinated by the angst of the ed. tech world: So much of the educational technology realm is seeking to take content and make it a) experiential, b) creative and c) personal. […]
Tablets in the Choir Room – If I Had…
(doublebassguide.net) In the forums, on Twitter, and even here on ChoralBlog, many of us are trying to answer the age-old question of technology: Yeah, it's fun, but what do I do with it? Personally, I'm not yet convinced that the iPad or similar tablets should replace our singers' scores and folders. I can't say […]
Seeing the Notes– The Piano Roll
(Musicradar.com) One of the great benefits of multimedia technology is the myriad ways that we can “visualize” sound. When you are comfortable reading music, you understand that the written score is a pretty advanced way of visualizing sound, but we don’t always have the luxury of singers who are uniformly competent in reading […]
Organizing Concert To-Dos from A to Zed
(ncvps.org) This is the second of two articles on using an online task manager, such as Remember the Milk, and an organization system like Getting Things Done to manage our choral programs. For more information on setting up some of these tasks, please refer to Swatting Flies… Preparing concerts involves myriad steps over […]
ChoralTech: Maximizing those Plan Periods
(boingboing.net: A Child’s To-Do List) As Sting said, “There’s too much information / running through my brain. Too much information / driving me insane!” To get the most out of our planning times, we need to tame our to-do lists. But the real goal is getting all this “to-do” out of our heads and […]