A recent ChoralBlog post by Philip Copeland discussed the changes to the publishing industry brought about by technology and accused music publishers of sticking with a 20th-century model. Many of the commenters to that thread suggested that the best solution would be self-publishing. Without taking a stand on Philip's main point for the moment, […]
New, improved AGO website
The American Guild of Organists, which has had a stodgy, hard-to-use website for years, recently unveiled a new version, which is much better. The job listings, based on JobTarget software, are especially easy to navigate, and they have the ability to post users’ resumes online for convenient trawling by employers. Employers have to pay a […]
Better clear out your library while you can
For over a century it’s been considered settled law that one you have bought a copy of a copyrighted work, you own that copy and can resell it, give it away, or lend it. The Copyright Act of 1976 explicitly allows this. This allows libraries and used bookstores to thrive, and allows a much wider […]
Particle Physics Choir
Looking for an original theme for your next concert? Have you considered singing about physics? The CERN choir has. Maybe those of you who lead college choirs can get more guys this way. CERN is a particle accelerator in Europe.
Advice For Those Seeking a Place in Leadership
This post-dated message was mistakenly included in the August 30 ChoralNet Daily. It will be visible tomorrow. Sorry for the confusion.
Paléographie musicale online
It's the millennium for the Abbey of Solemnes — this French abbey, which has been the world center for Gregorian chant scholarship since the 19th century, was founded in the year 1010. When I was an undergraduate and took a course in chant, I found the early manuscripts fascinating, particularly the ones which pre-dated […]