I just got back from my fall retreat with my top choir, and again I am faced with this inconsistency: Why do choirs go on retreat? Bands don’t. Orchestras certainly don’t. I often receive a little grief from folks about the large expenditure of money. “Is this really necessary” and all that. My response is […]
Leadership and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
This article talks about the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and their model of creating a sense of mission, vision, and purpose. It’s an interesting read. I’m not sure it totally translates to the rest of the world…I wonder whether the model is repeatable outside of the community that it comes from (though not to cast an dispersions on […]
Take three minutes and thirteen seconds. Maybe grab a cup of coffee. Close the door, turn up the volume. Listen.
A Couple of Great Videos
So this first one has been going around for awhile. David Belisle, the Rhode Island coach in the Little League World Series, pulls his team together after they were eliminated by Chicago in a close game. His speech is pretty damn good, and I find myself tearing up a bit there toward the end. This is how […]
Planning an International Tour? New Passport Guidelines!
It looks like there’s been a change recently to the travel and passport recommendation by the U.S. State Department. They are now recommending your passports be valid for at least six months prior to departing from the U.S. You might be denied entrance into the country you are traveling to, or be denied boarding in the U.S. even if your passport […]
Welcome Back
The new year is fast approaching for many of us. Those of you at the collegiate level on trimester, who don’t start until the end of September (SZ!), well I’m just not talking to you (besides, you didn’t finish until like, two weeks before the Fourth of July). So for the rest of you, I […]