Today, we have several things to consider in this short fragment from a recent ACDA divisional conference performance: asymetrical meter, mixed meter, and even a bit of cheironomy. We only have four measures to consider, but they are chock-full of information. In the initial measure (following a preparatory gesture), our colleague starts the work with […]
Conducting Study 13
Today let’s consider the conducting plane. Notice in this brief example from a performance presented during one of the 2012 ACDA Divisional Conferences that while our colleague utilizes much of the expanse of of the conducting plane, she focuses most of her gestural energies toward the center. It would almost be possible to draw a […]
Monday Motivation: Keep Swinging
Stick Time: Prelude
A performance of “Prelude” (Gjeilo) by the Montclair State University Singers (Heather J. Buchanan, conductor) during the 2012 ACDA Eastern Division Conference in Providence, Rhode Island.
Stick Time: Piano & Clarinet
The hunt for literature is an almost daily adventure for a choral conductor Yet what may be seem a common piece for you may be brand-new to me – and vise-versa. So we share these selections in the hope that something is of interest to you. Enjoy a choral performance with piano and clarinet from […]
Camouflaged Choral Conductors
Ever try to reach someone for an important matter only to discover that they had changed their e-mail address (or phone number, or postal address)? Annoying, isn’t it? Multiply that by tens of thousands, and you might begin to understand the challenge of keeping track of ACDA members. We are a mobile society […]