Before he was the intergalactic villain, Khan, Señor Montalban was considerably smoother while still being just a bit menacing.
Saturday Respite: Working
Here is an excerpt from the musical Working (based on the book by Studs Terkel) for your Labor Day weekend.
Saturday Respite: Two-wheeled Rollercoaster
While one does love riding his bicycle (with the scars and broken bones to prove it), this two-wheeled rollercoaster is a little over the top.
Saturday Respite: Three-Part Singing with Wind Instrument
Of course, NO ONE has ever pondered such a crass gesture toward a member of the wind section.
Saturday Respite: Three-Part Singing from Larry, Moe, and Curly
Choral singing in the Wild, Wild West. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!