(An excerpt from the poster session “Musical Realization of an Ancient Poetic Prayer Form in the Penitential Psalms by Alfred Schnittke,” presented by Zhanna A. Lehmann during the 2015 ACDA National Conference.) The texts of Alfred Schnittke’s Penitential Psalms appeared in a 1986 publication of the sixteenth century’s manuscripts of the ancient Rus’.1 […]
Conference Morsel: Psalm Singing
(An excerpt from the interest session “Reclaiming the Ancient Hymnal: the Art, Devotion and Practice of Psalm-Singing,” presented by Howard Helvey during the 2015 ACDA National Conference.) I suspect that many of us find ourselves here: at those intersections between our professional training and chosen vocation, and with those subjects about we become […]
Conference Morsel: Release Gestures
(An excerpt from the poster session “Effects of two conductor final release gestures on perceptions of individual singers’ vocal sound,” presented by Jeremy N. Manternach during the 2015 ACDA National Conference.) ACDA conventions frequently include interest sessions on choral conducting gesture. Given that these sessions often feature differing schools of thought, we have […]
Stick Time: Hogwood on Professional Musicians
In this brief interest session excerpt, famed conductor Christopher Hogwood (d. 2014) shares his thoughts about music as a career, versus music as an avocation. He also hints to the incredible and pernicious narcissism of the present age.
It’s About the Phrase – Some of This, Some of That
Name That Choir Tune (No. 28)