VOCAL ADVANTAGE: DIAGNOSING VOCAL ISSUES (part 4), by Dina Else As promised here are James McKinney’s next steps in regard to diagnosing vocal faults. Classification of vocal faults There are several possible ways to classify vocal faults… 1. Classify them according to their relation to the essential properties or elements of musical sound […]
“Vocal Advantage: Diagnosing Vocal Issues (part 3)” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: DIAGNOSING VOCAL ISSUES (part 3), by Dina Else Before we move on to your plan of action in regard to diagnosing the vocal technique issues of your singers, I want to delve into an aspect of last week’s column. I’ll never forget the first time I read McKinney’s book and read the […]
“Vocal Advantage: Diagnosing Vocal Issues (part 2)” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: DIAGNOSING VOCAL ISSUES (part 2), by Dina Else Last week we opened up the topic of diagnosing your singers in regard to their vocal technique. Let’s continue to exam what James McKinney has to say on the topic in Diagnosis and Correction of Vocal Faults. To diagnose effectively, McKinney points out […]
“Vocal Advantage: Diagnosing Vocal Issues (part 1)” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: DIAGNOSING VOCAL ISSUES (part 1), by Dina Else In the last few months we have extensively covered three of the most important fundamentals for singing: body alignment, breath intake and breath management. Our next big concept to tackle is tone. Before we break this very subjective concept apart and take a closer […]
“Vocal Advantage: Breath Management (part 4)” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: BREATH MANAGEMENT (part 4), by Dina Else As we wrap up our discussion on breath management I’d like to share a story. One of my voice teachers early on was fond of saying, “Dina, you need to ‘hook’ your breath into your tone!” I had NO idea what he was talking about. […]
“Vocal Advantage: Breath Management (part 3)” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: BREATH MANAGEMENT (part 3), by Dina Else In order to ‘remain in the posture of inhalation’, ‘stay expanded’ or ‘remain in the inspiratory position’ a singer needs to master appoggio. A term used to indicate how the muscle groups work together to achieve the proper balance of push and pull. The term […]