WHEN THE YOUNG TEACHER BECOMES THE MENTOR, by Emily Hackethorn I’m in my fourth year teaching 6-12 choir in the Bitterroot Valley, in Montana. In the past year, I started blogging to channel my thoughts on teaching, motherhood, productivity, and life in general. This Spring, I’ll be having my second baby, but not before […]
“Vocal Advantage: Vowel Modification” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: VOWEL MODIFICATION, by Dina Else (no. 30 in a series) I suppose if we are going to spend so much time delving into of all the different aspects of what makes a beautiful tone we should spend a column discussing vowel integrity and vowel modification. This is another one of those tricky […]
“Vocal Advantage: Placement” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: PLACEMENT, by Dina Else (no. 29 in a series) Singing is sensation. A lot of people feel very strongly about the fact that talking about placement is bad because it isn’t scientifically or anatomically correct. My students have a strong anatomy base. When I talk about placement, and the sensations involved, they […]
“Vocal Advantage: Chiaroscuro” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: CHIAROSCURSO, by Dina Else (no. 28 in a series) Chiaroscuro is an Italian term that was originally used to describe a balance between bright and dark in the visual arts. Somewhere along the line it became a term that is used to describe the ideal Italian Bel Canto tone. In Eastern […]
“Vocal Advantage: Tone (part 4)” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: TONE (part 4), by Dina Else (no. 27 in a series) Through our discussions on resonance and singer’s formant, we’ve established that the voice is a musical instrument, responsive to the laws of acoustics like any other instrument. Let’s continue moving forward under the broad umbrella of ‘tone’ and chat about ‘focus’ […]
“Vocal Advantage: Speaking Voice” by Dina Else
VOCAL ADVANTAGE: SPEAKING VOICE, by Dina Else (no. 26 in a series) One of the things you would hear me say pretty frequently if you were a fly on the wall in my studio is “Practice makes permanent”. What do our singers do with their instrument most of the day? They speak! Therefore it’s […]