Yes, they’re delightfully crunchy, addictively tasty, and munched by Americans in unimaginable amounts (one processing plant in Georgia produces 250 million pounds each year). But they are also about as nutritious as a piece of cardboard. No responsible parent would serve snack chips as the mainstay of their child’s diet. Shouldn’t the same standard […]
Stick Time: Popular Music’s Limitation
Here’s a strange thought. What would happen if in the middle of their concert, a mega-star of the pop music world were to suddenly change into formal attire, stand still and just sing? No preening, posturing, pouting, or petulant pyrotechnics of any sort. Simply communicating through song. One suspects that their fans – fully numbed […]
Saturday Respite: Automatic Doors and a Telephone Booth
Wait a tic! They had automatic doors but a telephone booth with an old DIAL phone? Here’s fifty three seconds of zany for your Saturday.
Saturday Respite: Air EVERYthing
Long before there was air guitar, there was a comedic genius names Jerry Lewis. He played air EVERYthing.
Scholarly Abstraction: Retaining Singers in Choir
(The abstract to the article “Students’ Registration in Collegiate Choral Ensembles: Factors that Influence Continued Participation,” by Trent R. Brown, published in the International Journal of Research in Choral Singing) This investigation sought to obtain responses from a heterogeneous sampling of students in choirs at 63 colleges and universities across the United States […]
CJ Replay: Building Dynamic Range
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article, “Beyond the Borders of Mezzo-land: Exploring the Score’s Dynamic Range,” by Stephen M Hopkins [p.29]) It is probably safe to say that the “dynamic inertia” found in Mezzoland is a problem that afflicts all of us at one time or another. This article examines some of […]