“Don’t be the dance band on the Titanic.” Harry Chapin At the beginning of the summer, I attended the national conference of Americans for the Arts, an arts advocacy organization based in Washington D.C. I was sent by a new local arts organization I work with, a consortium of arts organizations and businesses […]
Choral Potpourri: Beginning As We Mean to Go On
Beginning As We Mean to Go On “The world is so full of a number of things, I ’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.” Robert Louis Stevenson I am excited this Fall to be writing regularly for the ChoralBlog. I’ve thought quite a bit about what to call my […]
Guest Blogger: A Day in Life of a ChoralNet Moderator on Duty
Perhaps some of you would like to know what happens when you post a query or a classified or an announcement or how a decision to approve or discard by the Moderators is made here at ChoralNet. I have been a ChoralNet Moderator for exactly one year but have been a ChoralNet user since 1995. […]