Are your students off-the-wall just before Thanksgiving each year? I LOVE the rehearsals before Thanksgiving break. In fact, the Pre-Thanksgiving rehearsal is my favorite rehearsal of the entire year. This one rehearsal has tremendous value and leaves a lasting impression on my students. This blog post is FILLED with ideas that can start TODAY and go straight through the holiday season! Here […]
Should Choir Members Be Forced To Sing Solo?
Should Choir Members Be Forced To Sing By Themselves? This age-old question is usually met with strong, opposing viewpoints. As I advocate for self-selected ensembles, ones where ANYONE can join, I have an opinion I would like to share. I hope this blog post presents some food for thought! Here is: Should Choir Members Be Forced To […]
Choir Halloween Rehearsal – 9 VERY LAST MINUTE IDEAS
Is 10/31 (HALLOWEEN) going to be just another ORDINARY rehearsal? Do you want to make your Choir Halloween rehearsal memorable and highly productive? If so, this blog post is for you. It’s not too late!! This blog post shares 9 choir Halloween ideas that you can implement IMMEDIATELY, with little or no preparation. Check […]
The Ultimate Substitute Choir Lesson Plan when YOU are Absent:
Are you looking for the ULTIMATE CHOIR SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LESSON PLAN? Would you like an effective lesson plan that you can use over and over again? Would you like an effective lesson plan that can be administered by a non-music sub or even a student in your choir? I’m excited to share a lesson plan that will have value to your […]
11 Choir Halloween Tricks (and Treats)
Choir Halloween is a great opportunity for breaking up the monotony of “regular” rehearsals and providing a memorable and productive experience. If well-planned, this special rehearsal or (group of pre-Halloween rehearsals) can be creative, meaningful and serve as a way to infuse energy into your program. Check out my latest blog post: 11 Choir Halloween Tricks (and Treats) […]
Hocus Pocus: 12 Tricks for Rehearsal Focus
Do you feel your rehearsals could be more productive? Are your students losing their focus, disengaging, and slowing down the flow of your rehearsal? These 12 tips and tricks will create more focused singers in your rehearsal. Check out my latest blog post: Hocus Pocus: 12 Tricks for Rehearsal Focus